Pokémon 25th Anniversary Collection | Catch ’em all, if you can

It’s hard to believe that Pokémon is celebrating it’s 25th anniversary, congratulations by the way, and what better way to celebrate than a set of Pokémon trading cards. The only catch is, they’re pretty hard to find. Like a shiny legendary, these cards are near impossible to come by and are sold out pretty much everywhere and if you’re late to the party, you’re gonna miss out.


Pokémon cards have always been insanely popular, from playground trades to world tournaments, but also, it can be a very expensive hobby. A lot of the rush and appeal is opening the packs themselves, always hoping for the rarest cards. There are hundreds of YouTube channels that are all about pack openings, it’s a big thing, but packs aren’t cheap and most of the time, you don’t pull anything special… but next time you might and that’s what pulls you in.

Normally there’s never a shortage of cards, but this time there is. Getting hold of the 25th Anniversary Celebrations cards is a hard task. There is a decent variety of products, you just can’t find any.

The Elite trainer boxes are very rare, as are the Dark Sylveon and Lance’s Charizard boxes, but by chance, I managed to find a Lance’s Charizard box and a couple of the mini tins at my local supermarket. Extra good luckis needed to anyone trying to get the premium box which include the very special gold Pikachu and Charizard cards, the pre-orders are sold out and there’s next to no chance you’ll find one in a store but that’s what makes these sets so appealing and makes it all the more rewarding if you do manage to snag one, a Master Ball won’t guarantee this catch.

But so much demand also makes it appealing to scalpers and it’s a shame that people make them unaffordable for people, not everyone can afford to pre-order and true fans will miss out, but unfortunately that is the way of the world and it’s not a new problem. Think of scalpers as your own Team Rocket, just even more unlikable (Team Skull then?).


Now on to what I managed to grab; the Lance’s Charizard box I’m gonna hold on to, I like to collect Pokémon products and keep them sealed but some of the mini tins I have opened and although each celebrations pack only contains four cards, you’re not often left disappointed, with a double hit in the first pack, pulling a Rocket’s Zapdos and V Max Surfing Pikachu full art which I was massively pleased with. I’ve also kept 3 mini tins for my young son to open when he gets older and no doubt the 30th anniversary will be here before we even know it.

I’ve been a huge fan of the series since the very start which not only makes me feel old,(29, not old, just saying) it shows just how much longevity the series has had after being initially dismissed as a fad. There are lots of celebrations products being released and I’d advise you to grab what you can, but also enjoy them while you can, these are meant to be enjoyed by everyone and to see old cards like Rocket’s Zapdos and the base set Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur hits you right in the nostalgia like a Hyper Beam from a Rhydon.


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