Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi | 2017 | Short Review

Director: Rian Johnson

Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is something of a mixed bag. On one hand writer and director Rian Johnson admirably tries to change up the Star Wars formula after the good but by- the-numbers Force Awakens.

On the other hand it manages to alienate the long time fans and is somewhat of a black sheep in the Star Wars family, or at least it was until Episode IX, I mean in one scene Princess Leia pretty much turns into Superman.

The performances are mostly great, particularly that of Adam Driver and the new locations such as the salt covered planet of Crait are a fantastic addition to the lore. There is action aplenty and new additions to the cast, some more loved than others.

It’s probably the depiction of Luke Skywalker that divides most fans, portraying him as a grumpy hermit and it’s definitely not what fans were expecting from the legendary Jedi who epitomised hope in the original trilogy.

I personally wasn’t a fan on first viewing but after re-watching I have a new appreciation for what is a bold attempt at shaking up the familiar Star Wars formula.

Better than:

Attack of the Clones: ✅

Empire Strikes Back: ❌

To watch or not to watch: ✅✅✅

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