Small Byte | The Lost Art Of The Gaming Manual

The Good Ol' Days Remember the times when you’d buy a brand new game and with it came a hefty game manual? Not only did they have the usual controls and warnings etc. They sometimes contained information and lore for the games they were bundled with. Nowadays these manuals are no longer included with most … Continue reading Small Byte | The Lost Art Of The Gaming Manual

Looking Back At | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | The Greatest Video Game Ever Made?

Over the years the video game industry has produced some truly amazing games but the best ones are the ones that leave a lasting impression on you, creating memories and emotions. Sometimes you’ll hear a short clip of a soundtrack and the feelings of nostalgia will wash right over you. I can’t hear the opening … Continue reading Looking Back At | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | The Greatest Video Game Ever Made?

Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash | Thoughts and Review

What started off as a hack and slash series of games featuring a cast of shinobi school girls has evolved into a series that has afforded itself many a spin off. A pinball one, a strange touchy feely one (Reflexions) and a third person shooter, albeit one with water based combat. I first noticed the … Continue reading Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash | Thoughts and Review

Video Game Journal | Entry 1 | Looking Back At The PlayStation Classic

I was certainly excited by the announcement as the PlayStation was my very first console which was solely mine, I couldn’t wait to replay some iconic games from my childhood. A pre order was placed and I eagerly awaited release day. When released, the Classic received mixed reviews, the biggest criticisms coming from the line … Continue reading Video Game Journal | Entry 1 | Looking Back At The PlayStation Classic