Streets of Rage 4 | Axel and Co’s Triumphant Return | Review

Developer: Dotemu, Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games Publisher: Dotemu System: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows Year: 2020Reviewed: Nintendo Switch Version Beginning life on the Sega Megadrive, the Streets of Rage series is a classic that has long awaited a sequel to 1993’s third entry. After much teasing, Streets of Rage 4 is finally … Continue reading Streets of Rage 4 | Axel and Co’s Triumphant Return | Review

Sonic Generations | The old meets the new | Thoughts

Wait! Two of 'em!? - Biff Tannen I''ve known about Sonic Generations for a while, the selling point being that classic Sonic and modern Sonic come together to fight evil and for some reason I never played the game until recently and have I been missing out! The game is a highlight in the Sonic … Continue reading Sonic Generations | The old meets the new | Thoughts